What are the 4 main concepts of circular economy?

24 March 2022
The circular economy works on the basic concept of reusing used material. The waste will pollute our planet the new goods from other raw materials will be made to replace the old ones. It is not problematic until the economy is relatively small compared to our natural ecosystem. And waste is significant to maintain sustainability.
The four main concepts of the Circular Economy
Waste = food=waste
This principle stands for the continuous cycling of food and waste. Because one species waste is another species’ food, once a product/ material is no longer used, it shouldn’t become ‘waste’ but be part of a new cycle of use. For example, bird droppings seed acting as a fertilizer enable these to grow into plants. The same principle works to recycle former waste into materials for new products (plastic, glass, paper).
Harmony and diversity
A circular economy works on working through resilience, facing changes while developing. Everything is interconnected, from little initiative of storing electricity to planting trees. They revolve and recycle
Energy Resources
The universe is filled with natural resources. Solar energy, wind power, tidal power are the primary sources of renewable energy. The man should get benefits from renewable energy than using away natural.
Systems precautions
The same way where food chain operates in levels. Species operates alongside. An activity in one f=group of species can affect others; so carefully, looking into the system, to focus each deop of water that fells on the floor to plucking floor and making a plant sad. Everything is interconnected
The Circular Economy is guided by the natural system, which seems to have been efficiently working for thousands of years. The four above-described principles are simple but require a deep understanding.