What can be done to reduce methane emissions

4 May 2022
In a circular economy, the Global temperatures are 1.1°C higher in 2021 than before the Industrial Revolution, with anthropogenic methane emissions accounting for 30% of the increase. 2 As temperatures rise, climate feedback may exacerbate the warming effect methane from Arctic, wetlands, and landfill sources. To prevent our atmosphere from climate change, we have to adopt the ways who are below to reduce methane emissions.
Through Agriculture
Agriculture, which accounts for 40 to 50 percent of anthropogenic methane emissions, may achieve a 12 percent reduction by 2030 and a 30 percent reduction by 2050. Ruminant animals (mainly cows and sheep), farming operations, and rice production are the primary sources of agricultural emissions. During digestion, ruminants produce methane and CO2, and other gases. Ruminants account for over 70% of agricultural emissions, so their impact is enormous. Existing technology could handle a significant percentage of agriculture’s emissions. Feed additives for cattle are already being sold by a number of companies., while rice and crop farmers can benefit from innovative water, soil carbon, nitrogen, and land management methods.
Through Natural gas and oil
Oil and gas are the sources of 20 to 25 percent of anthropogenic methane. According to our calculations, the sector could achieve a 40% decrease in emissions by 2030 and a 73% reduction by 2050. The oil and gas industry releases ” fugitive methane through venting, leaks, and incomplete combustion during flaring; the oil and gas industry releases “fugitive methane.” Because methane is the principal component of natural gas, these emissions represent an untapped source of wealth, assuming the appropriate infrastructure is built. Furthermore, LDAR, equipment electrification or replacement, instrument air systems, and vapor-recovery units are alternatives for preventing upstream production losses.
Mining of coal
An estimated 10% to 15% of anthropogenic methane is produced by coal mining. According to our calculations, the sector has the ability to reduce methane emissions by 2% by 2030 and 13% by 2050. Working or abandoned deep mines account for most coal-mine methane (CMM) emissions. Measuring and recovering these pollutants is a serious problem. On the other hand, established technologies can capture CMM and use it to generate electricity. Companies in China, which account for almost 70% of CMM emissions and have invested in coal gasification for the industrial sector, have the best investment case.
Through Solid garbage
The solid-waste sector, which accounts for 7 to 10% of anthropogenic methane emissions, may achieve a 39 percent decrease in sectoral emissions by 2030 and a 91 percent reduction by 2050. Most waste-related methane emissions come from landfills and open dumps, where anaerobic organic matter produces methane over time. Authorities may capture these emissions through biogas markets and other incentives, then sell the methane as renewable natural gas or utilize it to make fertilizer. However, revenues might not be enough to cover the costs.