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Portugal is the largest producer of renewable energy?

Portugal is the largest producer of renewable energy?

By daniele

The domestic primary energy production in Portugal is almost only based on Renewable Energy Sources. The primary sources of renewable energy included hydro, followed by wind, solar, and biomass. Thus, it decreases the need for innovations by imports and export, and its need for depending on foreign markets reduces greenhouse gas emissions. It is already attracting the market for the development of renewable energy. Compared to 2017, there was an increase of almost 10%in amount in electricity production in 2018. this figure rose to 14,059 MW from 1167 MW. In 2019, renewable energies contributed 56.1 percent of the total electricity production. The renewable electricity sectors in Portugal are investment and export, government measures, market regulations, the remuneration scheme. Portugal exported energy for 353 million Euros according to 2018. They are the shiniest government launched Strategy XVIII in 2010 in Portugal, which aims to multiply, every ten years, the target for investment in solar energy (from 150MW to 1500MW). The changes to the mechanism for grid reservation, to clarify the grid connection with the Public Service Energy Network (RESP), benefit it by providing more capacity for renewable energy. The renewable energy sources produced in Portugal in 2017 were Windpower, with 21.6% of the total (up from 20.7% in 2016).Hydropower with 13.3% (down from 28.1% in 2016), Bioenergy with 5.1% (same as in 2016), Solar power with 1.6% (up from 1.4% in 2016), Geothermal energy with 0.4% (up from 0.3%.Portugal remains reliant on imported fossil fuels, which accounted for 76% of primary energy supply in 2019 (43% oil, 24% natural gas, and 6% coal). All oil, natural gas, and coal are imported. From January to June 24, 909 GWh of electricity was generated in Continental Portugal, from which 71,3 % came from renewable sources. The remuneration scheme aims at selling the electricity produced at a market price. To reach the benchmark, the electricity is produced at a guaranteed price over a given period. Portugal enjoys free trade, almost no customs barriers, free import, and export, among other major economic advantages.