Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Project

16 March 2022
The Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Project aims to provide scientific-based capabilities to national environmental authorities and local agricultural producers of Colombia and Peru to adapt to climate changes, manage its effects, and improve ecological services
with scientifically based evidence that elevates their capacity to both adapt to climate change. It is based on socioeconomic benefits for the agricultural producers to expand their areas under protection for restoration and sustainability. There are four components to the project
- The first component is the amazon protected areas system. An over-60-million-ha PA system in the Brazilian Amazon for economic sustainability. The funds provided by federal and local governments will help to increase the resources gradually. So that in future it is as much stable to be financially independentΒ
- The second component aims to promote integrated Landscapes in Amazon through strategies that foster the recovery of native vegetation, develop sustainable production systems, strengthen effective value chains, and implement innovative management arrangements between PAs.Β
- The third component deals with developing employment policies for the protection of native vegetation, reducing deforestation, and promoting forest recovery. This component focuses on strengthening the capacity of national and state governments to develop and implement sectoral policies and financial mechanisms toΒ
- Following the above three steps needs building, cooperation, and project coordination.
To face climate changes and to get benefit from the ecosystem. An area designed for the reduction of Amazon is required. Together, Peru and Colombia are selected as sites for Sustainable Amazon Landscapes. These two countries are aware of their importance as providers of ecosystem services at the local, national, regional, and global levels. These countries have reduced deforestation, improved carbon emissions, and strengthened local and national capacity for climate change adaptation.
The project aims to work with local communities, regional and national environmental authorities, and national and international research institutions. It will help design and validate agricultural land use and management alternatives from a broader perspective.